How to apply to host a COLING

COLINGs are usually planned four years ahead, so, if you are interested, in presenting the case for your city/university to host a future COLING, you should:

1. Inform Jun-Ichi Tsujii of your intention and agree the year you will present the case and come to the COLING meeting.

2. Prepare to present to the ICCL a case for about half-an-hour maximum. If possible circulate a brief document in advance, that should cover at least these topics:


  • identify the key individuals at your site who will be responsible for all arrangements except the program.
  • your group's role as a computational linguistics centre.
  • your country's role as a computational linguistics centre, and the degree to which it has already been represented as a COLING site, if at all.
  • how you would finance the meeting, since there are no central funds available to ICCL. This usually includes statements of where you have or will seek industrial or governmental sponsorship.
  • the nature of accommodations, including some of high quality and some inexpensive ones available to students.
  • your plans for tutorials or workshops associated with the COLING.
  • plans for tours for accompanying participants, if any.
  • some very rough outline of the budget you plan and the costs to participants.
  • what arrangements you plan for special discounts for students.
  • the cultural or geographic amenities of the area if any, especially those appropriate for the excursion day.
  • what social events you plan.
  • What basic rooms are available and of what size, including the availability of a conference room where the ICCL can meet on one evening and have available for other meetings if necessary.
  • what precise dates are available in the year you propose.
  • any assurances that you may feel necessary about currency stability, political stability, or guarantees of problem-free access for participants from all countries, absolutely and without question.


It is often useful to include official brochures from a university or city with the document. It is sometimes necessary to present one's case a number of times before a venue is selected.

Please also read Martin Kay's reflections on what the spirit of Coling conferences is: ColingRequirements.pdf